
Social Media vs. Marriage (Relationships)

How can social media help strengthen your marriage or relationships or the exact opposite?

By Heather McKinsey February 7, 2013
In Today's world it is hard not to be connected with some type of social media. Whether it is Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and more. There are so many sites -- how do you keep track of what your family is up to, with all the different venues out there? You can't ban it all completely, so we might as well find out the advantages.

Here are some ideas for avoiding social media troubles in your marriage:

1. Have shared passwords or shared accounts: This is a mutual respect and gives you a shared accountability. Nothing is ever hidden. You can always see what your spouse posts.

2. Make it clear on all your sites that you are married. Post pictures of you and your spouse, so there is no question at all. Be proud of your spouse!

3. If needed, establish boundaries. Are ex-relationships ok, your spouse's boss, different extended family, etc. How much time should be spent on these sites? Should you be using them at dinner? Maybe only use Facebook for a few minutes in the morning and then again right before dinner. Limit your own personal use.

4. Only encourage and edify your spouse on social media, never make them look bad or expose information they do not want online. Use it as an opportunity to share and express how much you love your spouse or kids. Compliment them as you would at a party or in front of others.

5. Be slow in your response to other's statuses or your own. Re-read it a few times, write it down elsewhere or just come back to it, if you need to. You don't need anything you regret being sent out over social media. Remember that if you delete a comment after you write it, anyone who gets email notification still gets that email.

6. Be an example to your kids in social media. They will see what you post as well as their friends.

There are also some potential benefits to using social media:
1. Communication: During the workday, this is a good time to connect with your spouse. You can send each other messages, love notes, make date plans or plans for the evening. It is a great way to stay connected with friends when your in a busy time and can't hangout much. I personally post a lot of pictures because all our family is out of town and this is their only way to see the kids every day.

2. Communication: If your spouse travels; using Facebook or Instagram is a great way to show them pictures of the kids and what you are doing with your time away. The traveling spouse can share their experiences as well and send video messages along the way. It keeps you connected.

3. Accountability: not only in your own marriage, but friends can keep you accountable for whom you speak to, comment on or how you comment.

4. Enhance Relationships: not only in marriage, but Facebook gives those who are quieter a voice, lets them be themselves and can deepen friendships.  If you see a status or picture on a social media outlet, it gives a conversation starter. You can also use this opportunity to build others up, be complimentary or support someone. It is a way to talk issues thru that otherwise might back been difficult to bring up.

All in all, limit your time. If it gets in the way of your relationships with your spouse, friends or family, cut it out a bit. Try going a few days without it or set the timer for 10 min a day.

Resource: Focus on the Family